Sage Brown Butter Kohlrabi Noodles: A Delight

Sage Brown Butter Kohlrabi Noodles offer a unique twist on traditional pasta dishes, combining the subtle, sweet flavors of kohlrabi with the rich, nutty aroma of sage-infused brown butter. This dish stands out for its simplicity, requiring just a handful of ingredients while delivering a gourmet experience that’s both satisfying and surprisingly healthy. Perfect for those seeking a gluten-free and vegetarian option, this recipe is a testament to the versatility of kohlrabi and the magic of simple, quality ingredients coming together.

Unveiling the Charm of Kohlrabi Noodles

Hey there, fellow food enthusiasts! Are you ready to get acquainted with a veggie that’s a bit of an unsung hero in the food world? I’m talking about kohlrabi – that peculiar-looking bulb you’ve probably skimmed past in the produce aisle. Trust me, it’s about to become your new best friend, especially if you’re on the hunt for a low-carb switch-up in your diet.

Now, let me paint a picture for you: imagine a veggie that’s got the crunch of a broccoli stem but with a sweetness that’s reminiscent of an apple, mixed with a hint of nuttiness. That’s kohlrabi for you! It’s like nature decided to throw us a curveball in the best possible way. And when you spiralize this bad boy into noodles, you’ve got yourself a game-changer.

Kohlrabi: An Overview

First things first, let’s get the basics down. Kohlrabi’s part of the cabbage family, but don’t let that make you think it’s just another leafy green. This stem veggie can be green or purple, but peel off that outer layer, and you’re greeted with a crisp, juicy inside that’s just begging to be eaten raw or cooked.

Benefits of Kohlrabi in Your Diet

And it’s not just tasty – it’s a powerhouse of nutrients! Low in calories but rich in fiber, it’s perfect for those of us trying to keep an eye on our waistlines. Plus, it’s packed with vitamin C and potassium, so you’re not just satisfying your taste buds; you’re giving your body some well-deserved love, too.

The Art of Spiralizing Vegetables

  • Easy as Pie: You don’t need to be a wizard in the kitchen to turn kohlrabi into noodles. A simple spiralizer will do the trick, and it’s a fun way to get the kids involved in healthy eating!
  • Texture Magic: One of the best parts about kohlrabi noodles is the texture. They hold up to cooking without turning mushy, which means they’re the perfect canvas for a variety of sauces and toppings.
  • The Versatility: Whether you want to sauté them, toss them into a salad, or just enjoy them raw with a dip, these noodles are versatile. And for anyone looking to cut back on grains, kohlrabi noodles are a fantastic pasta substitute.

Now, I hope I’ve piqued your interest because kohlrabi noodles are about to revolutionize your meal prep. And just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, wait till we dive into the alchemy of sage brown butter in the next section. It’s the perfect companion to our star veggie, elevating it to a level of deliciousness that’ll have you coming back for seconds (or thirds – no judgment here!). So stick around, and let’s turn this culinary curiosity into your kitchen’s staple.

The Alchemy of Sage Brown Butter

Hey there, fellow food enthusiasts! Ever wondered what culinary magic tastes like? Enter sage brown butter: the nutty, aromatic liquid gold that’s about to elevate your kitchen game. Picture this: butter slowly frothing in a pan, the hue shifting from sunny yellow to a rich, toasty amber. That’s where the magic begins, friends.

Crafting the Perfect Brown Butter

Now, brown butter isn’t just melted butter, oh no. It’s butter that’s been transformed. As it gently simmers, the milk solids caramelize into tiny bits of heaven that settle at the bottom, infusing every drop with a deep, complex flavor. The trick? Patience and a watchful eye. You’re the alchemist here, guiding butter through a delicious metamorphosis.

The Role of Sage: More Than Just a Herb

And what’s a wizard without their trusted wand? In our case, it’s fresh sage. This herb isn’t just for Thanksgiving stuffing; it’s a powerhouse of earthy flavor. When it hits the bubbling brown butter, sage leaves unfurl their aromatic oils, and suddenly, your kitchen smells like a rustic Italian trattoria. Now that’s what I call enchantment for your senses!

Pairing Flavors for Unforgettable Dishes

But why stop at enchantment? Let’s conjure up a symphony. The robust flavor of sage brown butter begs for a dance partner, and it finds one in the sweetness of roasted veggies, the richness of pasta, or the simplicity of a grilled fish. It’s all about creating harmony on your plate.

Before we move on to gathering your toolkit, let’s take a quick detour. Have you ever tried storing fresh herbs for an everlasting supply of aromatic goodness? It’s a game-changer for dishes like the one we’re conjuring up today.

So, with our sage brown butter ready to cast its spell, let’s prepare to turn simple ingredients into something spectacular. Up next, we’re going to make sure you’re equipped with all the right tools to bring our kohlrabi noodles to life. Stay tuned!

Gathering Your Toolkit

Hey there, fellow foodies! Have you ever found yourself mesmerized by those fancy veggie spirals and wondered, “How on earth do they do that?” Well, today’s your lucky day because I’m going to let you in on the secrets of spiralizing, especially when it comes to our star veggie, kohlrabi. But first things first, let’s gear up with the right tools because, just like a knight needs his sword, a cook needs their trusty implements!

Essential Kitchen Tools for Spiralizing

Imagine creating oodles of noodles from kohlrabi with the grace of a gourmet chef. To get started, you’ll absolutely need a spiralizer. This nifty gadget is the key to turning our stout, round kohlrabi into long, twirly strands of veggie goodness. You can opt for a hand-held spiralizer if you’re tight on space or go for the countertop version that’s a bit sturdier. Either way, you’ll be cranking out kohlrabi curls in no time.

  • Hand-Held Spiralizer: Great for beginners and small kitchens.
  • Countertop Spiralizer: Offers more stability and usually comes with various blade options.

Selecting Top-Quality Sage and Butter

Now, let’s fetch some fresh sage and butter. This duo is like Batman and Robin in the kitchen, bringing out the best in each other. For sage, look for vibrant green leaves with no signs of wilting – freshness is paramount! As for butter, go for the good stuff – unsalted and preferably grass-fed for a richer taste and golden hue when it melts into that glorious brown butter.

Ingredient Substitutions for Accessibility

But wait, what if you can’t find kohlrabi or fresh sage at your local market? No worries! You can substitute kohlrabi with zucchini or cucumbers for the noodles, and if sage is out of reach, a little thyme or rosemary could save the day without losing the essence of the dish. As far as butter goes, while there’s no real substitute for its creamy, indulgent flavor, those needing a dairy-free option can opt for high-quality vegan alternatives that still provide that smooth texture.

Armed with your spiralizer, the freshest of sage, and the creamiest butter, you’re all set to start creating a dish that’s as delightful to the eyes as it is to the palate. And remember, the best recipes are the ones you have fun making, so put on your apron, and let’s turn that kohlrabi into noodle magic!

Once you’ve got your toolkit ready, you’ll be eager to dive into the cooking process, where the alchemy of sage brown butter comes to life. But let’s keep the anticipation going a bit longer—I promise it’ll be worth the wait!

The Step-by-Step Guide to Cooking Kohlrabi Noodles with Sage Brown Butter

Alright, my fellow food enthusiasts, let’s roll up our sleeves and jump right into the heart of this delightful dish – cooking those tantalizing kohlrabi noodles in sage brown butter. Now, just picture it: the kohlrabi transforming into golden, buttery strands that are both hearty and healthy. Got that image? Great, let’s bring it to life!

Preparation of Kohlrabi Noodles

First off, after you’ve spiraled your kohlrabi into noodle-like ribbons, give them a little pat. Why? Well, we want to remove any excess moisture – trust me, it’s crucial for achieving that perfect al dente texture. Once they’re dry, you’ll sauté them in a pan. Here’s a pro tip: don’t overcrowd the pan; we’re not throwing a kohlrabi party. Give them space to sizzle and soften evenly.

Creating the Sage Brown Butter

Meanwhile, get ready to create culinary gold with your sage brown butter. Start with a cold pan – yes, cold – then add your butter. Keep that heat medium-low and stay patient; good things come to those who wait. And then, the transformation begins. The butter will melt, foam, and then start to brown. Remember to swirl the pan occasionally, so it cooks evenly. When you spot those gorgeous golden specks and that nutty aroma hits you, toss in the sage leaves. They’ll crisp up, infusing the butter with an earthy goodness that’s simply irresistible.

Bringing It All Together

  • Combine the sautéed kohlrabi noodles with the sage brown butter in the pan, and give it a gentle toss to coat every strand with that buttery delight.
  • Season with a pinch of salt and a crack of black pepper, just to elevate the flavors a smidge.
  • And don’t forget to taste as you go – after all, you’re the chef, and your palate is the ultimate judge.

While we’re lost in the dance of flavors, let’s not forget about garnishes. A sprinkle of grated Parmesan or a handful of toasted walnuts can add that extra oomph – texture and taste, hand in hand. So, go ahead and customize your dish. Make it your own!

Now, as you’re relishing the moment, stirring those glistening noodles, imagine what’s next. How about pairing this dish with a perfectly grilled chicken breast or a filet of salmon? But hey, we’ll get to that – our journey is just getting started. If you’re looking for more creative pairings, have a peek at this collection of complementary dishes.

Mastering the Cook: Temperature Tips and Tricks

Now, who’s ready to channel their inner chef and master the art of kohlrabi noodles? Cooking kohlrabi noodles is much like orchestrating a symphony – it’s all about precision and feeling. It’s about knowing just when to turn up the heat and when to let things simmer down. So grab those spirals and let’s heat things up with some game-changing temperature tips!

Why Temp Matters

Firstly, remember that kohlrabi is a tad more robust than zoodles (zucchini noodles) or those delicate strands of angel hair pasta. This means that your regular go-to temps won’t necessarily apply here. But don’t fret, I’m here to guide you. You see, just the right amount of heat will turn those kohlrabi noodles from crunchy to sublime without them going limp or soggy.

Unveiling the Charm of Kohlrabi Noodles

Hey there, fellow food enthusiasts! Are you ready to get acquainted with a veggie that’s a bit of an unsung hero in the food world? I’m talking about kohlrabi – that peculiar-looking bulb you’ve probably skimmed past in the produce aisle. Trust me, it’s about to become your new best friend, especially if you’re on the hunt for a low-carb switch-up in your diet.

Now, let me paint a picture for you: imagine a veggie that’s got the crunch of a broccoli stem but with a sweetness that’s reminiscent of an apple, mixed with a hint of nuttiness. That’s kohlrabi for you! It’s like nature decided to throw us a curveball in the best possible way. And when you spiralize this bad boy into noodles, you’ve got yourself a game-changer.

Kohlrabi: An Overview

First things first, let’s get the basics down. Kohlrabi’s part of the cabbage family, but don’t let that make you think it’s just another leafy green. This stem veggie can be green or purple, but peel off that outer layer, and you’re greeted with a crisp, juicy inside that’s just begging to be eaten raw or cooked.

Benefits of Kohlrabi in Your Diet

And it’s not just tasty – it’s a powerhouse of nutrients! Low in calories but rich in fiber, it’s perfect for those of us trying to keep an eye on our waistlines. Plus, it’s packed with vitamin C and potassium, so you’re not just satisfying your taste buds; you’re giving your body some well-deserved love, too.

The Art of Spiralizing Vegetables
  • Easy as Pie: You don’t need to be a wizard in the kitchen to turn kohlrabi into noodles. A simple spiralizer will do the trick, and it’s a fun way to get the kids involved in healthy eating!
  • Texture Magic: One of the best parts about kohlrabi noodles is the texture. They hold up to cooking without turning mushy, which means they’re the perfect canvas for a variety of sauces and toppings.
  • The Versatility: Whether you want to sauté them, toss them into a salad, or just enjoy them raw with a dip, these noodles are versatile. And for anyone looking to cut back on grains, kohlrabi noodles are a fantastic pasta substitute.

Now, I hope I’ve piqued your interest because kohlrabi noodles are about to revolutionize your meal prep. And just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, wait till we dive into the alchemy of sage brown butter in the next section. It’s the perfect companion to our star veggie, elevating it to a level of deliciousness that’ll have you coming back for seconds (or thirds – no judgment here!). So stick around, and let’s turn this culinary curiosity into your kitchen’s staple.

The Alchemy of Sage Brown Butter

Hey there, fellow food enthusiasts! Ever wondered what culinary magic tastes like? Enter sage brown butter: the nutty, aromatic liquid gold that’s about to elevate your kitchen game. Picture this: butter slowly frothing in a pan, the hue shifting from sunny yellow to a rich, toasty amber. That’s where the magic begins, friends.

Crafting the Perfect Brown Butter

Now, brown butter isn’t just melted butter, oh no. It’s butter that’s been transformed. As it gently simmers, the milk solids caramelize into tiny bits of heaven that settle at the bottom, infusing every drop with a deep, complex flavor. The trick? Patience and a watchful eye. You’re the alchemist here, guiding butter through a delicious metamorphosis.

The Role of Sage: More Than Just a Herb

And what’s a wizard without their trusted wand? In our case, it’s fresh sage. This herb isn’t just for Thanksgiving stuffing; it’s a powerhouse of earthy flavor. When it hits the bubbling brown butter, sage leaves unfurl their aromatic oils, and suddenly, your kitchen smells like a rustic Italian trattoria. Now that’s what I call enchantment for your senses!

Pairing Flavors for Unforgettable Dishes

But why stop at enchantment? Let’s conjure up a symphony. The robust flavor of sage brown butter begs for a dance partner, and it finds one in the sweetness of roasted veggies, the richness of pasta, or the simplicity of a grilled fish. It’s all about creating harmony on your plate.

Before we move on to gathering your toolkit, let’s take a quick detour. Have you ever tried storing fresh herbs for an everlasting supply of aromatic goodness? It’s a game-changer for dishes like the one we’re conjuring up today.

So, with our sage brown butter ready to cast its spell, let’s prepare to turn simple ingredients into something spectacular. Up next, we’re going to make sure you’re equipped with all the right tools to bring our kohlrabi noodles to life. Stay tuned!

Gathering Your Toolkit

Hey there, fellow foodies! Have you ever found yourself mesmerized by those fancy veggie spirals and wondered, “How on earth do they do that?” Well, today’s your lucky day because I’m going to let you in on the secrets of spiralizing, especially when it comes to our star veggie, kohlrabi. But first things first, let’s gear up with the right tools because, just like a knight needs his sword, a cook needs their trusty implements!

Essential Kitchen Tools for Spiralizing

Imagine creating oodles of noodles from kohlrabi with the grace of a gourmet chef. To get started, you’ll absolutely need a spiralizer. This nifty gadget is the key to turning our stout, round kohlrabi into long, twirly strands of veggie goodness. You can opt for a hand-held spiralizer if you’re tight on space or go for the countertop version that’s a bit sturdier. Either way, you’ll be cranking out kohlrabi curls in no time.

  • Hand-Held Spiralizer: Great for beginners and small kitchens.
  • Countertop Spiralizer: Offers more stability and usually comes with various blade options.

Selecting Top-Quality Sage and Butter

Now, let’s fetch some fresh sage and butter. This duo is like Batman and Robin in the kitchen, bringing out the best in each other. For sage, look for vibrant green leaves with no signs of wilting – freshness is paramount! As for butter, go for the good stuff – unsalted and preferably grass-fed for a richer taste and golden hue when it melts into that glorious brown butter.

Ingredient Substitutions for Accessibility

But wait, what if you can’t find kohlrabi or fresh sage at your local market? No worries! You can substitute kohlrabi with zucchini or cucumbers for the noodles, and if sage is out of reach, a little thyme or rosemary could save the day without losing the essence of the dish. As far as butter goes, while there’s no real substitute for its creamy, indulgent flavor, those needing a dairy-free option can opt for high-quality vegan alternatives that still provide that smooth texture.

Armed with your spiralizer, the freshest of sage, and the creamiest butter, you’re all set to start creating a dish that’s as delightful to the eyes as it is to the palate. And remember, the best recipes are the ones you have fun making, so put on your apron, and let’s turn that kohlrabi into noodle magic!

Once you’ve got your toolkit ready, you’ll be eager to dive into the cooking process, where the alchemy of sage brown butter comes to life. But let’s keep the anticipation going a bit longer—I promise it’ll be worth the wait!

The Step-by-Step Guide to Cooking Kohlrabi Noodles with Sage Brown Butter

Alright, my fellow food enthusiasts, let’s roll up our sleeves and jump right into the heart of this delightful dish – cooking those tantalizing kohlrabi noodles in sage brown butter. Now, just picture it: the kohlrabi transforming into golden, buttery strands that are both hearty and healthy. Got that image? Great, let’s bring it to life!

Preparation of Kohlrabi Noodles

First off, after you’ve spiraled your kohlrabi into noodle-like ribbons, give them a little pat. Why? Well, we want to remove any excess moisture – trust me, it’s crucial for achieving that perfect al dente texture. Once they’re dry, you’ll sauté them in a pan. Here’s a pro tip: don’t overcrowd the pan; we’re not throwing a kohlrabi party. Give them space to sizzle and soften evenly.

Creating the Sage Brown Butter

Meanwhile, get ready to create culinary gold with your sage brown butter. Start with a cold pan – yes, cold – then add your butter. Keep that heat medium-low and stay patient; good things come to those who wait. And then, the transformation begins. The butter will melt, foam, and then start to brown. Remember to swirl the pan occasionally, so it cooks evenly. When you spot those gorgeous golden specks and that nutty aroma hits you, toss in the sage leaves. They’ll crisp up, infusing the butter with an earthy goodness that’s simply irresistible.

Bringing It All Together

  • Combine the sautéed kohlrabi noodles with the sage brown butter in the pan, and give it a gentle toss to coat every strand with that buttery delight.
  • Season with a pinch of salt and a crack of black pepper, just to elevate the flavors a smidge.
  • And don’t forget to taste as you go – after all, you’re the chef, and your palate is the ultimate judge.

While we’re lost in the dance of flavors, let’s not forget about garnishes. A sprinkle of grated Parmesan or a handful of toasted walnuts can add that extra oomph – texture and taste, hand in hand. So, go ahead and customize your dish. Make it your own!

Now, as you’re relishing the moment, stirring those glistening noodles, imagine what’s next. How about pairing this dish with a perfectly grilled chicken breast or a filet of salmon? But hey, we’ll get to that – our journey is just getting started. If you’re looking for more creative pairings, have a peek at this collection of complementary dishes.

Ingredients :

  • 1 large Kohlrabi bulb, spiralized
  • 6 tablespoons Butter, divided
  • 20-30 Sage leaves, chopped (about ¼ cup), divided
  • ¼ cup Pine nuts
  • Sea salt, to taste (omit if using salted butter)
  • Black pepper, to taste


  1. Prepare Kohlrabi Noodles: Peel the kohlrabi bulb and use a spiralizer to create noodles. Cut the noodles into shorter lengths for easier eating.
  2. Cook Noodles: In a large skillet over medium heat, melt half of the butter and add half of the chopped sage. Once melted, add the kohlrabi noodles. Cook for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until they reach your desired tenderness.
  3. Toast Pine Nuts: In a separate skillet, toast the pine nuts over medium heat until fragrant, about 2-4 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside.
  4. Make Sage Brown Butter: In the same skillet used for pine nuts, add the remaining butter and sage. Cook over medium heat until the butter shimmers and turns slightly brown.
  5. Combine and Serve: Drizzle the sage brown butter over the cooked kohlrabi noodles. Transfer to plates and top with toasted pine nuts, additional sage, salt, and pepper.



  • Can I use a different type of nut? Yes, walnuts or almonds can be a great substitute for pine nuts in this recipe.
  • What if I don’t have a spiralizer? You can use a vegetable peeler to create thin ribbons of kohlrabi as an alternative to noodles.
  • How can I make this dish vegan? Substitute the butter with a vegan alternative like olive oil or vegan butter.
  • Can I add protein to this dish? Absolutely, grilled chicken or sautéed shrimp can complement this dish for a non-vegetarian version.

Sage Brown Butter Kohlrabi Noodles is a dish that impresses with its simplicity and depth of flavor. It’s a perfect example of how a few quality ingredients, when combined thoughtfully, can create a meal that’s both nourishing and indulgent. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a home cook looking for a quick and healthy option, this recipe is sure to become a favorite in your culinary repertoire.

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Sage Brown Butter Kohlrabi Noodles: A Delight

  • Author: Clare
  • Total Time: 20 minutes
  • Yield: 2 servings 1x
  • Diet: Vegetarian


Sage Brown Butter Kohlrabi Noodles offer a unique twist on traditional pasta dishes, combining the subtle, sweet flavors of kohlrabi with the rich, nutty aroma of sage-infused brown butter. This dish stands out for its simplicity, requiring just a handful of ingredients while delivering a gourmet experience that’s both satisfying and surprisingly healthy. Perfect for those seeking a gluten-free and vegetarian option, this recipe is a testament to the versatility of kohlrabi and the magic of simple, quality ingredients coming together.


  • 1 large Kohlrabi bulb, spiralized
  • 6 tablespoons Butter, divided
  • 2030 Sage leaves, chopped (about ¼ cup), divided
  • ¼ cup Pine nuts
  • Sea salt, to taste (omit if using salted butter)
  • Black pepper, to taste


  1. Prepare Kohlrabi Noodles: Peel the kohlrabi bulb and use a spiralizer to create noodles. Cut the noodles into shorter lengths for easier eating.
  2. Cook Noodles: In a large skillet over medium heat, melt half of the butter and add half of the chopped sage. Once melted, add the kohlrabi noodles. Cook for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until they reach your desired tenderness.
  3. Toast Pine Nuts: In a separate skillet, toast the pine nuts over medium heat until fragrant, about 2-4 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside.
  4. Make Sage Brown Butter: In the same skillet used for pine nuts, add the remaining butter and sage. Cook over medium heat until the butter shimmers and turns slightly brown.
  5. Combine and Serve: Drizzle the sage brown butter over the cooked kohlrabi noodles. Transfer to plates and top with toasted pine nuts, additional sage, salt, and pepper.
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 15 minutes
  • Category: Dinner
  • Method: Sautéing
  • Cuisine: Fusion, Vegetarian

Keywords: Kohlrabi Noodles, Sage Brown Butter, Vegetarian Pasta, Gluten-Free Noodles

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